Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies I prepped dough for these browned butter chocolate chip cookies on Wednesday and made them today (Saturday). Instructions said after refridgerating the dough, they could be baked anywhere from 24 to 72 hours later. When making the...

It’s the Adventure that Matters

Goin’ for a Ride Like a lot of us around here, I grew up in the country. As a kid, I was lucky enough to have a pony – pictured here with me and dad, is Midget – a pony we borrowed and kept from friends. Midget was well behaved – a rarity for...

Fallin’ for Apples

Fall is my favorite time of year. The smells of spices and baking, canning apple butter, being cuddled up with a blanket and your sweetheart. Sweaters, boots and jeans. Falling leaves and the earthy, musky smell. I wish it could last right up until December 21. Fall...
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